International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE IJASRE is a scholarly peer-reviewed, an open access multidisciplinary journal for publication of new ideas, the state of the art research results and fundamental advances in all fields of Science, Engineering and Technology. The vision of IJASRE is to publish original articles related to the current trends of research in the field of Science, Engineering, and Technology. IJASRE brings together Scientists, Academicians, Engineers, Scholars, and Students of Science, Engineering, and Technology. en-US (Managing Editor-IJASRE) (Sretechjournal Publications) Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:28:08 +0000 OJS 60 Predicting soil Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) from pH, % Clay and % Organic Carbon : A Case Study on Selected Burundi Surface Soils <p><em>A statistical linear regression study was performed on surface soil samples collected in four Burundi agro-écological zones (AEZ) of Imbo, Mumirwa, Kirimiro and Moso. The study aimed at evaluating the causal effects of soil pH, % clay and % Organic C (OC) on soil cation exchange capacity (CEC), using simple, two-way and 3-way linear regression models. Soil pH as an explanatory variable of CEC gave poor results, while % OC emerged as the best one-way explanatory variable of CEC (R²=0,40). With 2-way regression analyses, the best fits were obtained in the Kirimiro AEZ with soil pH and % clay (R²=0,63), Imbo AEZ with soil pH and % OC (R²=0.66) and Imbo and Kirimiro AEZ with % clay and % OC (R²=0,63). The 3-way (pH, % clay and % OC) regression analysis gave statistically significant higher R² values ranging from 0.60 (Mumirwa) to 0.76 (Imbo). Linear regression analysis performed on pooled data (256 samples) proved that the 3-way dependent/explanatory variables model is the best fit (R²=0,64). In conclusion, our results outlined that % OC emerges as the key determinant of CEC in highly weathered, kaolinitic Burundi soils.&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p> KABONEKA Salvator , IRAKOZE Willy , NDIHOKUBWAYO Soter, NIYUNGEKO Christophe, NTAKIYIRUTA Pierre Copyright (c) 2024 KABONEKA Salvator , IRAKOZE Willy , NDIHOKUBWAYO Soter, NIYUNGEKO Christophe, NTAKIYIRUTA Pierre Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Contemporary Applied Ethics <p><em>In essence, ethics is the study of right and wrong.&nbsp; It is the philosophical study of&nbsp;<a href="">moral</a>&nbsp;phenomena. It represents the moral code that guides a person’s choices and behaviors throughout their life. Ethical issues, particularly concerning emerging technologies such as Internet of things, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and robotics, are now major concerns for businesses, organizations, and governments. This paper is on applied ethics in contemporary areas and it includes cybersecurity ethics, computer ethics, food ethics, business ethics, big data ethics, and research ethics.&nbsp; </em></p> Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Chandra M. M. Kotteti , Janet O. Sadiku Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Chandra M. M. Kotteti , Janet O. Sadiku Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Role of Servant Leadership, Job Satisfaction, and Performance of Regional Hospital Employees <p><em>A social organization focusing on service will continue interacting with its human members. Hospitals, as organizations specializing in health services, are faced with continuous demands to improve the quality of their services. Based on the statement above, this research aims to describe servant Leadership, job satisfaction, and employee performance. The research sample was civil servants in the Regional General Hospital who represented the respondents. To obtain a minimum sample size from the existing population, the Slovin formula was used, and the number taken was 139. The findings of this research can be a guide for researchers who are interested in similar or related fields. Data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis aim to explain each characteristic or description of the observed variables: servant Leadership, job satisfaction, and employee performance. The analysis technique applied is descriptive statistics, using frequency distribution table analysis. This approach helps provide a detailed description of each variable and its indicators. Servant Leadership in this research was determined successively by persuasive mapping, organizational stewardship, altruistic calling, wisdom, and emotional healing. Persuasive mapping is reflected in Leadership's ability to solve every problem. Job satisfaction is determined by supervision, coworkers, the job, promotion, and salary. Supervision is reflected in superiors often providing both technical and behavioral support. Organizational commitment. It is determined respectively by affective, normative, and sustainable commitment. Theoretically, the results of this research are expected to enrich human resource management literature, particularly human behavior regarding servant Leadership and job satisfaction.</em></p> Muh Mahbub Djunaidi, Lilik Kustiani , Maxion Sumtaky Copyright (c) 2024 Muh Mahbub Djunaidi, Lilik Kustiani , Maxion Sumtaky Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Determination of the Strength Characteristics of Sporosarcinal - Pasteurii Concrete <p><em>The strength characteristics of Sporosarcinal Pasteurii concrete (S. Pasteurii concrete) was investigated. To achieve this aim, the suitability of the materials used for concrete specimens were tested before the compressive, tensile and flexural strength of the S. Pasteurii concrete was investigated. Bacteria concentration of 0, 0.5, 2, 4 and 6OD was mix with the concrete. The water cement ratio adapted was 0.5. </em><em>For the compressive strength, three cubes of size 150 x 150 x150mm was crushed for each curing day of 1, 3, 7,14, 28 and 56 days. The average compressive strength was obtained as the compressive strength of the concrete at each curing age. For the split tensile strength, three cylindrical specimen of size 100mm x 200mm was used at each day to obtain the strength at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The average tensile strength was obtained and for the flexural strength, three beam samples of 100 x 100 x 450mm was used at each curing day of 7, 14, 21 and 28days to obtain the average flexural strength. All the properties of the materials used for the concrete production met the standard requirement of the relevant code of practice. The compressive, tensile and flexural strength of S. Pasteurii concrete was improved in comparison with the control concrete. The percentage increase of the compressive strength at 28days are 17.76%, 19.72%, 25% and 4.04% for 0.5OD, 2OD, 4OD and 6OD respectively. The highest tensile strength was increased by 16.24% and obtained when 0.5OD bacteria concentration was used and cured for 14days. The flexural strength of S. Pasteurii concrete was improved by 44.44%, 8.89%,47.40% and 8.52% for 0.5OD, 2OD,4OD and 6OD respectively at 28 day of curing.</em></p> Hadiza Ali, Ejeh S. P, Ocholi A, Kaura J.M. Copyright (c) 2024 Hadiza Ali, Ejeh S. P, Ocholi A, Kaura J.M. Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparative Liming Power of Chicken Manure and Selected Dolomitic Sources on an Acidic High Altitude Burundi Surface Soil <p><em>A research initiative was set up to evaluate the comparative liming power of locally available dolomitic products and chicken manure, using an amaranth (Amaranthus viridis L.) test crop. The soil used was acidic, of low % base saturation and risks of Al toxicity, and deficient in available P, exchangeable Mg, Ca, and K. The experimental setup was a completely randomized design with 11 treatments and 3 replicates which included: a control treatment (equivalent to 100 kg DAP/ha), 4 mineral amendments (Moso Lime, Moso Ground Dolomite, Bubanza Ground Dolomite and Busiga Ground Dolomite) applied at equivalents of 1 T/ha and 2 T/ha, and chicken manure applied at equivalent of 10 and 20 T/ha. The study duration was three months with three test crop harvests at one-month interval. Monthly measured plant growth and production parameters were plant height, root length, shoot length, root biomass, shoot biomass and their summation (total biomass). Soil pH, available P and exchangeable acidity (Al<sup>3+</sup> + H<sup>+</sup>) were assessed at the start and the completion of the pot study. Obtained results could be summarized as follows : (i) the highest available P accumulation was associated with the equivalent of 20 T/ha of chicken manure ; (ii) application of equivalents 20 T/ha of chicken manure, 2 T/ha Moso Ground Dolomite and 2 T/ha Moso Lime increased soil pH by 0.2 to 0.5 pH-units and reduced exchangeable acdity ; (ii) DAP fertilized treatment was characterised by the lowest pH value and the highest Al<sup>3+</sup> and H<sup>+</sup> exchangeable acidity, illustrating the acidifying effect of this NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>-bearing fertilizer ; (iv) amarant growth (root and height) and biomass (root + shoot) production were highest with 20 T/ha chicken manure, 2 T/ha Moso Ground Dolomite and 2 T/ha Moso lime. The application rate was only statistically detectable for Moso Ground Dolomite (+ 162 %) and chicken manure (+ 182 %). Overall, 20 T/ha chicken manure showed the highest and most stable amaranth root + shoot biomass yields, demonstrating its potential residual effect, which should be evaluated and confirmed under field conditions. </em></p> KABONEKA Salvator, NDAYISHIMIYE Dieudonné, NIBASUMBA Anaclet, BIZIMANA Syldie Copyright (c) 2024 KABONEKA Salvator, NDAYISHIMIYE Dieudonné, NIBASUMBA Anaclet, BIZIMANA Syldie Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Appraising the Effect of Biochar in Groundnuts(Arachis hypogaea L) Growth Parameters and Yield Under Screen House Conditions <p>Biochar soil amendment is known to suppress the effect of pathogenic fungi and favour plant resistance against soil‐borne pathogen effects. This study appraises the impact of biochar on groundnut yield planted in the slightly acidic sandy loam soil. The study was done at the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) screen house, where groundnuts were planted in the 2L pots filled with soil mixed with biochar at different rates (2.5%, 5% and 7.5%) in April 2022. Groundnut’s growth parameters were managed by measuring shoot length and root length, counting the number of leaves and taking leaf area once every week from the second week after planting to harvesting, where its yield was also measured.&nbsp; Analysis of variance showed a significant (P &lt; 0.05) increase in groundnut growth parameters and yield when 5% Biochar was used. There was a strong positive correlation between biochar and some groundnut growth parameters. No significant (P &lt; 0.05) difference was observed between Biochar and groundnut growth parameters and yield when 2.5% biochar was used. A slightly weak negative correlation was observed when a 7.5% Biochar rate was used. Biochar-amended soils indicated a dramatic increase in soil pH, CEC, Mn, P, K, Ca, B, Zn, and Si. The current study demonstrates that using 5% maize cob biochar, pyrolyzed at 500°C, in acidic sandy loam soil, can lead to maximum enhancement in soil physical and chemical properties, as well as groundnut growth and yield parameters.</p> Joshua J. Ibrahim, Ernest Mbega, Angela Mkindi, Arnold Mushongi, Billes L. Nzilano Copyright (c) 2024 Joshua J. Ibrahim, Ernest Mbega, Angela Mkindi, Arnold Mushongi, Billes L. Nzilano Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Innovative Methods for Diagnosis Evergreen Utilizing Ultraspectral Image Inspection: A Review <p><em>Plant diseases result in large financial losses in the global agricultural production industry. Regarding crop production, early disease detection, measurement, and identification are essential for the focused use of control measures. Extensive scientific research is now underway to provide novel hyperspectral technology-based solutions for plant disease diagnosis. By looking at the reflectance spectrum of plant tissue, you can tell the difference between healthy and sick plants, figure out how bad the disease is, name different pathogen species, and find early signs of biotic stress, even when the symptoms are not readily apparent to the unaided eye during the incubation phase. The review covers of fundamentals determining the reflectance spectrum of plant tissue. There is a discussion and evaluation of the potential applications of several kinds of hyperspectral Sensor technology and platforms for plant disease examination. Hyperspectral analysis, a relatively new field, employs techniques from image analysis and optical spectroscopy to measure physiological and morphological characteristics simultaneously. The following are the key phases of hyperspectral data analysis: modeling and data analysis; data extraction and processing; and picture collection and pre-processing. The algorithms and techniques used in each step are listed, then examine the primary uses of hyperspectral sensors in plant disease diagnosis, which include illness detection, disease classification and identification, damage assessment, and genetic resistance evaluation. An extensive analysis of scholarly literature highlights the advantages of hyperspectral technology in investigating pathogen-plant interactions across various measurement scales. Despite significant advancements in plant disease monitoring using hyperspectral technology over the past few decades, several unresolved technical issues still hinder their practical application. Finally, we explore the issues and future directions for the application of new technology in agriculture.</em></p> Shaimaa Khudhair Salah Copyright (c) 2024 Shaimaa Khudhair Salah Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000