Counter-Terrorism Measures in Selected University Campuses in Nairobi County, Kenya


  • Justus Karanja Muraya Africa Nazarene University, Kenya
  • Emily Okuto Africa Nazarene University, Kenya
  • Duncan Onyango Ochieng Africa Nazarene University, Kenya
  • Noor Yarow Gabow Africa Nazarene University, Kenya



Security Measures, Threat of Terror


This study endeavored to assess the security measures put in place in selected university campuses in Nairobi in response to the threat of terror. The study is pegged on the rational choice theory. A total of six University campuses and nine government departments were selected to participate in the study using random and purposive sampling techniques respectively. A total of 69 respondents were purposively selected to participate in the study. The participants were comprised of university campus directors, members of the university security management, members of the campus administration, faculty members, and various categories of student leaders. The study used the mixed-method approach and exploratory research design. Questionnaires, observation checklists, and interview guides were used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 was used to run descriptive statistics. The inductive approach was utilised since the study accorded prominence to qualitative data. In this regard, data from interviews and open-ended questions were categorized according to the research objectives, inductively analysed, and reported in the form of narration. The responses of the principals, deans, and security personnel show that the security measures that existed in the satellite university campuses were not commensurate with or sufficient to counter the threat of a terror attack because of the many risk and vulnerability factors that were at play in each of the sampled campuses. The paper recommends that there is a need to ensure that disaster management education is standardized and introduced in all universities across the country as a compulsory examinable unit. The hiring practices of security guards for all universities need to be standardized and regulated through enforceable laws and policies. The training of security guards meant to be deployed in universities should be standardized and strictly regulated. Additionally, anyone working in a security management capacity at the university should hold a certain minimum formal education and should have served at a certain level in the disciplined forces and honorably discharged.


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How to Cite

Muraya, J. K., Emily Okuto, Duncan Onyango Ochieng, & Noor Yarow Gabow. (2020). Counter-Terrorism Measures in Selected University Campuses in Nairobi County, Kenya. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 6(6), 63–74.


