The Legislative Institution of People's Representative Council Aceh (DPRA) in the Formulation of Qanun

Study of Policy Formulation in 2018 Population Qanun Formulation in Aceh Province


  • M. Saleh University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Syafei Ibrahim University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Kridawati Sadhana University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia



Legislative Institution, Qanun Formulation


The People's Representative Council Aceh (DPRA) is the organizer of the Aceh Government whose members are elected through general elections consisting of national political parties and local political parties. This Legislative Institution has a special name and has 1¼ percent more members than the DPRD of other provinces in Indonesia. The various tasks and authorities carried out by the Aceh Parliament in addition to referring to Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning the Government of Aceh also refer to various legislative products relating to the Regional Government. This research aims to analyze and describe the Legislative Body in the Formulation of the Population Qanun in Aceh, the process of policy formulation in the formulation of the Aceh Population Qanun, and the factors supporting and inhibiting the formal process in the formulation of the Aceh Population Qanun. The approach of this research method is a descriptive qualitative method with research techniques with an interview approach. The results of the study are first, the stages in the process of formulating the qanun are carried out with various stages, starting from the preparation of the Qanun raqan proposal for initiatives from the government / DPRA starting from planning and coordination, forming the committee, the academic committee of the special committee until the discussion on qanun. This is done jointly between the legislature and executive until the plenary discussion. Second is the process of formulation in the formulation of the Aceh population qanun. The implementation of the policy formulation process is carried out by meetings of relevant agencies, jointly conducting consultations with ministries to decide on policy recommendations and monitoring/evaluation. In the process of formulating this policy, it is often hampered by various preoccupations from both the legislative and executive, so that the formulation of qanun takes a long time, out of the plan. The third is the supporting and inhibiting factors in the formulation of the Aceh population qanun, namely the level of education, experience, talent, planning, and coordination as well as information to the public. The inhibiting and driving factors are more on the personal ability of DPRA members from the level of education, experience, coordination, and access to public information so that it influences the process of formulating and implementing policy products that are determined to attract various criticisms from the public.


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How to Cite

M. Saleh, Syafei Ibrahim, & Kridawati Sadhana. (2020). The Legislative Institution of People’s Representative Council Aceh (DPRA) in the Formulation of Qanun: Study of Policy Formulation in 2018 Population Qanun Formulation in Aceh Province. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 6(7), 18–29.


