Physicochemical Characterization of the water of the River Ruki in the Garden of Eala in Democratic Republic of Congo





Botanical garden, Physicochemical Characterization, Water Quality, The river Ruki


The present study consists with the physicochemical characterization of the water of the Ruki river by the measurement of some physicochemical parameters on six sites of selected sampling of Mars to May 2018.

We studied the effect of some physicochemical parameters which are mainly: temperature, pH, electric conductivity, solid substances in suspension, oxygen salinity and rate dissolve.

The measured physicochemical parameters reveal that the quality of water of the Ruki river is still good. Indeed, the temperature is raised a little, oxygen dissolves is in deficit, the self-purification of this river is slow. The solid substances in suspension approach the limiting values for surface waters following an occasional market at the edge of the river in the botanical garden of Eala.


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How to Cite

MATONDO FALANGA J, KALONDA IKANA, LIKOBA BOLOMBO, KOLOKOTA BAELO, BALIANGA BASUSU, BOBOTO NYABOLONDO, KASONGO KANYINDA, & NGELINKOTO MPIA. (2020). Physicochemical Characterization of the water of the River Ruki in the Garden of Eala in Democratic Republic of Congo. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 6(9), 88–93.


