Implementation of PDCA Cycle to Improve Quality of Animal Protein Levels in Traditional Medicinal Products


  • hayu kartika Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Meike Elsye Beatrix Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta
  • Atep Afia Hidayat Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta
  • Candra Setia Bakti PT Milenia Sistem Konsultan, Tangerang



PDCA, Evaporation Process, Quality, Animal Protein Content, Traditional Medicine


This Traditional medicine company as one of the pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia since 2000 has conducted research to find “active ingredients of medicines” from natural ingredients native to Indonesia. This herbal medicine production process produces animal protein extract product derived from cork fish that are rich in albumin. However, when the evaporation process the protein content produced is below the set standards, so that the impact on protein extraction result is less than the maximum. The evaporation process aims to get extracts that are highly concentrated by efforts to reduce the solvent in the product so that it only leaves the active ingredients alone. By evaporating the product in a vessel accompanied by a vacuum so that the activity level of protein content contained in the product can be increased. To prevent the decrease in activity of protein levels, resulting from evaporation. Effort were made to increase the activity of protein levels in the evaporation process using the Plan-Do-Check-Action method, the results obtained from the improvement process with the PDCA pattern this was found to be improved by increasing protein levels by 73.43%, with these results expected to optimize the efficacy and quality of the medicinal product for consumption



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How to Cite

hayu kartika, Meike Elsye Beatrix, Atep Afia Hidayat, & Candra Setia Bakti. (2020). Implementation of PDCA Cycle to Improve Quality of Animal Protein Levels in Traditional Medicinal Products. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 6(10), 1–7.


