Comparative Analysis of Different Treatments Effects on Stylosanthes Guianensis Production Parameters in Imbo, Natural region of Burundi


  • BANDUSHUBWENGE Denis Faculty of Agriculture and Bio Engineering, University of Burundi
  • KWIZERA Chantal Faculty of Agriculture and Bio Engineering, University of Burundi
  • MBONIHANKUYE Cyrille Agronomic Sciences Institute of Burundi (ISABU)



Stylosanthes Guianensis, Production parameters, Imbo region


In Burundi, the major problem for livestock is the lack of sufficient nutrients needed for its growth and development due to Burundi higher population growth rate which put a pressure on arable lands and pastures leading to grass pastures reduction. However the concentrates that can be used alternatively are not only insufficient, but also very expensive under the local farmer conditions. In the Burundi, livestock reduction was recorded while it occupies an important place in Burundian life, especially for smallholders to whom it plays a major role in terms of social life, health and income generation. Fortunately, stylosanthes Guianensis has been identified as an herbaceous forage legume with potential protein supplements of better impacts on livestock growth, development and production. It is more accessible to smallholder, whence this study has been carried out to improve stylosanthes production for better livestock feeding. The experiment has considered six seedling spacing as treatments to analyze the treatment which could effectively improve the stylosanthes production parameters in Imbo natural region. These treatments (T1 (40cm X 5 cm); T2 (40cm X 10 cm), T3 (50cm X 5 cm), T4 (50cm X 10 cm), T5 (60cm X 5 cm), T6 (60cm X 10 cm)) were ranged in three blocs completely randomized with three replications. Data were sampled at the 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and the 21st weeks after germination by recording as parameters: plant height, ramifications number, plant water content, green and dry matters. All data were analyzed through SPSS at P<0.05 for significative difference. The results showed no significant difference among treatments for plant height but highlighted treatments T2 as the effective treatments in increasing plant growth especially in developing period. This treatment T2 also showed positively effects on ramifications number comparatively to others. Moreover, T2 treatment significantly improved plant water content, green matter and dry matter. This study suggested treatment T2 (40cm X 10 cm) as the effective treatment which could be used for improving stylosanthes production parameters and productivity as well in the Imbo region.


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How to Cite

BANDUSHUBWENGE Denis, KWIZERA Chantal, & MBONIHANKUYE Cyrille. (2020). Comparative Analysis of Different Treatments Effects on Stylosanthes Guianensis Production Parameters in Imbo, Natural region of Burundi. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 6(10), 30–37.


