Structural and Legal Frameworks Guiding Multi-Agency Operations and Countering Terrorism in Kenya


  • Musoma Albert Lusiola Major in the Kenya Defence Forces, Kenya



Structural and Legal Frameworks, Multi-Agency Operations, Countering Terrorism in Kenya, International Terrorism


Kenya has in the last decade been faced by a constant terror threat from al-Shabaab, ISIS and al Qaeda. This study sets out to assess the effects of structural and legal frameworks guiding multi-agency operations on countering terrorism in Kenya. The study questions were as follows: Are there existing or lack thereof of multi-agency strategic policies on coordination in response to international terrorism in Kenya? The study adopted mixed methods and exploratory research designs. The target population was all the members of the Kenya Defense Forces Special Operations Forces (KDF SoFs), the National Police Service (NPS) Recce squad, and ATPU Officers as well as policy level Military, Intelligence and Police Officers. The target population is estimated at 3400 personnel from which a sample of 97 was obtained. The used primary data collected from the respondents using mainly questionnaires and interviews as well as secondary data that was obtained from library-based research via books, e-books, journals, government publications, and published thesis, among other reputable academic publications. The data collected from questionnaires were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24. The findings were presented in descriptive statistics, tables, graphs, charts and inferential statistics. On its part, data from interviews were analyzed thematically based on the objectives so as to establish the key themes and trends from which findings, conclusions, and recommendations were drawn. The study findings make it manifest that the existence of structural and legal frameworks guiding multi-agency operations on countering terrorism in Kenya had led to effective response through standardizations of operation guidelines, better sharing of information, joint training and exchange of best practices among the various responders. This was evidenced in the Dusit D2 Attack in which synchronization of operations showed better response to the attack by the various operational and tactical teams as compared to the Westgate Attack. The study recommends that there is need for multinational frameworks for undertaking financing and creation of joint information infrastructure for security agencies so as to reign in on international terrorism in the East African Region.


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How to Cite

Musoma Albert Lusiola. (2021). Structural and Legal Frameworks Guiding Multi-Agency Operations and Countering Terrorism in Kenya. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 7(1), 36–47.