Coplanarity Condition for Photogrammetric Simultaneous and Self Calibration Block Adjustments


  • Dr. Khalid L. A. El-Ashmawy College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Saudi Arabia



Collinearity Equations, Coplanarity Equation, Simultaneous Block Adjustments, Self Calibration Block Adjustments, Accuracy Analysis


The well-known collinearity equations are widely employed for the determination of object space coordinates of points during the aerial and close-range photogrammetry applications. On the other hand, the coplanarity equation is applied for analytical relative orientation which is essential for sequential block adjustment procedure.

This paper concentrates on deriving mathematical formulation based on coplanarity condition. Softwares utilizing the derived mathematical models have been developed and tested using mathematical photogrammetric data.

The effects of random and lens distortion errors on simultaneous and self-calibration block adjustments using the derived mathematical models and collinearity equations have been studied.

It was found that the derived mathematical models compensate for the lens distortion errors better than collinearity equations. Furthermore, the accuracy of the results of self-calibration block adjustment using the coplanarity equation is slightly better than those obtained by collinearity equations.


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How to Cite

Dr. Khalid L. A. El-Ashmawy. (2021). Coplanarity Condition for Photogrammetric Simultaneous and Self Calibration Block Adjustments. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 7(2), 1–14.