Behavior of Millennial Beginner Voters in Regional Head Elections, in Kepanjen District, Malang Regency of Indonesia

Study in the Paradigm of Social Behavior in the Political Life of Millennial Young Generation in Kepanjen District, Malang Regency


  • Miskat University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Agus Sholahuddin University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Kridawati Sadhana University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia



Behavior, Millennial, Voters,, Elections, Political Power


Regional Head Election is a political event, an instrument for realizing people's sovereignty, and a discourse for the rulers and society to interact with each other so that what is discussed in the election or regional election is a fundamental issue for governance. So in this context, it is very clear that the Regional Head Election is not just a mere ceremonial revelry of democracy at the local level. Regional Head Election basically has various functions, namely transferring community authority to the elite, mediating between the people and the government, limiting government behavior, and controlling the public agenda, means of rotating power and controlling conflict by moving conflict from the social order to the level of this generation is considered a unique generation compared to previous generations in the context of election or regional elections, According to several survey agencies, estimates that around 35% to 40% of voters come from among the millennial generation, this figure is significant enough to determine victory in the election and regional elections. This is the reason why the millennial generation is looked at by various groups with an interest in the election and regional election rivalries. Based on the above background, the following problems can be formulated: How is the behavior of millennial beginner voters in the regional head elections in Malang Regency in 2020? as well as what factors are behind the behavior of millennial beginner voters in the 2020 regional head election in Malang regency.? In this study, this research was conducted to describe and analyze the behavior of millennial beginner voters in the Regional Head Election in Malang Regency in 2020 and to describe, study and analyze the factors behind the behavior of millennial beginner voters in direct Regional Head Election in Malang Regency. The theory used in discussing this research is the theory of behavior, the theory of exchange, and the theory of rational choice as well as several concepts such as the concept of regional head elections, the concept of the millennial generation, the concept of millennial voters, the concept of village society, including political power and several concepts related to head elections. regions and millennial beginner voters. This research was conducted in a descriptive qualitative approach with informants of millennial voters and several religious leaders, the community, in the capital city of Malang Regency, namely Kepanjen District.


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How to Cite

Miskat, Agus Sholahuddin, & Kridawati Sadhana. (2021). Behavior of Millennial Beginner Voters in Regional Head Elections, in Kepanjen District, Malang Regency of Indonesia: Study in the Paradigm of Social Behavior in the Political Life of Millennial Young Generation in Kepanjen District, Malang Regency. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 7(4), 44–55.


