Evaluation of the productivity of the Corn (Zea mays L.) under Organic soil conditioners and mineral in the town of Mbandaka, Democratic Republic of Congo


  • BOBOTO NYABOLONDO B Higher institute of Fishing of Mbandaka, DR Congo
  • MATONDO FALANGA J Chemistry-Physics & Geography and Management of the Environment, Higher Institute Mbandaka
  • ESUKU MOKONDO I Higher institute of Fishing of Mbandaka, DR Congo
  • BOFENDA BONYENA Teaching Higher Institute Mbandaka Democratic Republic of Congo
  • LAMBO KONGBA Teaching Higher Institute Mbandaka Democratic Republic of Congo
  • NDUNGU BOMPOMA C Teaching Higher Institute Mbandaka Democratic Republic of Congo




Tithonia diversifolia, Entada abyssinica, Manure, Corn


This study aims to evaluate the effect of Entada abyssinica and Tithonia diversifolia hidden on the ground compared to the NPK (17-17-17), only and in organomineral combination on the growth and the yield corn.

The treatments, in three repetitions, consisted of a witness (T0), of five levels of fertilizer contribution: biomasses of E. abyssinica and T. diversifolia, NPK, E. abyssinica +NPK and T diversifolia +NPK. The observations had related to the parameters of growth and production. The results obtained inform that the corn answered positively in the phase of growth under effect of fertilizer indistinctly of their nature (p<0.05) compared to the witness. The highest height was observed on the treatment E. abyssinica +NPK with 180 cm against the pilot treatment with 123.33 cm. The diameter with the collet followed the same tendency with E abyssinica (2.20 cm) against 1.03 cm for the witness. What made it possible to observe significant differences. The organomineral combination Entada abyssinica +NPK emerged on all the parameters in this study by taking the head of the group. The level of output gave Entada abyssinica +NPK (2653.33 kg/ha) > Tithonia diversifolia +NPK > Entada abyssinica > NPK > Tithonia diversifolia > Témoin (466.42 kg/ha).

The application of the biomasses T. diversifolia and E. abyssinica in organo-mineral combination on a corn culture exploits a multiple role physics, the chemistry and the biology of the ground with like consequence an increase in the output of about 2186,91 kg of grains compared to the ground untreated. The biomasses used only also gave good results compared to the witness. Considering the difficulties of accessibility to mineral manure, the use of E.  abyssinica and T.diversifolia in an environment as this one would contribute to the promotion of the contribution of this organic matter in the majority of the poor grounds.


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How to Cite

BOBOTO NYABOLONDO B, MATONDO FALANGA J, ESUKU MOKONDO I, BOFENDA BONYENA, LAMBO KONGBA, & NDUNGU BOMPOMA C. (2021). Evaluation of the productivity of the Corn (Zea mays L.) under Organic soil conditioners and mineral in the town of Mbandaka, Democratic Republic of Congo . International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 7(4), 73–79. https://doi.org/10.31695/IJASRE.2021.33994


