Analysis of Product Quality Improvement through Kaizen and DMAIC Method in Rubber Sole Manufacturing


  • Meike Elsye Beatrix Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia



Quality Control, DMAIC, Rubber sole, DPMO


The development of the non-oil and gas industry in the current era of globalization is growing. Therefore, every companies should be able to compete strictly with other companies that produce the same products. To be able to survive in business competition, maintaining quality product and reducing waste is an absolute thing that should be done by the company. Apart from maintaining product quality, companies could be also make savings in the production process, one of which is by applying the Kaizen Method so that the resulting product does not have a high reject rate so that waste on the use of raw materials can be limited according to company standards.  The company has a quality control system but has not implemented yet DMAIC method. PT. X is a labor intensive industry which is engaged in the business of produce rubber sole. This research used the Kaizen and (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improvement and Control) DMAIC method. This study aims to reduce the percentage of C grade rubber sole maximum to 3% as the company standards. The approach used in saving the use of raw materials is to use the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improvement and Control (DMAIC) method. Analysis of the results obtained by applying the method of DMAIC is the improvement of the quality of rubber sole. The results of this study are the percentage of C grade rubber before improvement is 5.5%, DPMO value is 10.395 and t Sigma is 3.80 and after improvement are the percentage of C grade rubber outsole is decreased to 2.9%, DPMO value is 7.278.81 with t Sigma value is 3.95.


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How to Cite

Meike, . E. B. (2021). Analysis of Product Quality Improvement through Kaizen and DMAIC Method in Rubber Sole Manufacturing. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 7(6), 103–109.


