Classification Study of Ingested Plastic Particles in Marine Organisms using Electron Microscope: A Case Study of Cameroon Beaches


  • Oben Mbeng L. Institute of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences at Yabassi, Cameroon
  • Mboglen David Institute of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences at Yabassi, Cameroon
  • Ntyanm Ondo S. Specialized Research Centre for Marine Ecosystems , Cameroon



Plastic Waste Classification, Marine Pollution, Marine Environment, Human Health


Plastic wastes are non-biodegradable whose fragmentation often leads to the formation of microplastics. These are likely to be ingested by marine organisms with grave consequences to human health. A plastic waste classification study was carried out using (Pseudotolithus sp and E. fimbriata) to determine the quantity and quality of ingested plastic particles. It is on this basis that a laboratory analysis was carried out using an electron microscope. From a qualitative and quantitative point of view, plastic debris ingested by organisms (Pseudotolithus sp and E. fimbriata) was classified into five groups: (a) fishing lines (47%), (b) plastic particles (9%), (c) cord filaments (23%) thongs (13 %), and other particles (8%). The results from this study will certainly enhance policy development where protein from fish is considered the ultimate source for protein for humankind, not forgetting fish pollution which is a common cry to communities that depend on fish for their livelihoods and as an ideal source of protein.


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How to Cite

Mbeng L., O., Mboglen David, & Ntyanm Ondo S. (2021). Classification Study of Ingested Plastic Particles in Marine Organisms using Electron Microscope: A Case Study of Cameroon Beaches . International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 7(5), 85–92.


