Innovative Behavior of Telematics Creative Community in Interaction Dynamics

(Study of Innovation Activists in Creative Telematics Community in Malang City, Indonesia)


  • Dodot Sapto Adi University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • M Tauchid Noor University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Tommy Hariyanto University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia



Innovative Behavior, Creative Telematics Community, Dynamics of Interaction


The idea of ​​this research began with the attention of various parties to the existence of a creative telematics community, especially in the Malang city area, and its emergence as a response to advances in digital technology. The problem that deserves to be revealed lies in the ability of telematics activists to innovate and build interactions in the internal and external environment. The creative telematics community that operates within the scope of the ICT-based creative economy (information and communication technology), is a phenomenon that is able to provide new stimuli for existing social changes, namely by placing intellectual capital as the main input in the form of creativity or innovation. The research was carried out in an effort to obtain a real picture of research questions regarding: (1) how does innovation behavior proceed in the internal and external environment of the telematics creative community? (2) What factors support and hinder the innovative behavior of the telematics creative community? On that basis, the main purpose of this study is to determine the behavior of innovation in the dynamics of the interaction of the creative telematics community in the city of Malang. In particular, it is expected to challenge Skinner's theory of social behavior. Substantially, it also provides a discourse about the existence of the creative community of telematics in Malang. By setting these objectives, this study uses a qualitative descriptive method. The main purpose of this study is to determine the behavior of innovation in the dynamics of the interaction of the creative telematics community in Malang. In particular, it is expected to challenge Skinner's theory of social behavior. Substantially, it also provides a discourse about the existence of the creative community of telematics in Malang. By setting these objectives, this study uses a qualitative descriptive method, and on that basis, the main purpose of this study is to determine the behavior of innovation in the dynamics of the interaction of the creative telematics community in Malang. In particular, it is expected to challenge Skinner's theory of social behavior. Substantially, it also provides a discourse about the existence of the creative community of telematics in Malang. By setting these objectives, this study uses a qualitative descriptive method, and to obtain the depth of analysis, the phenomenological method developed by Schutz was used and strengthened through Husserl's idea, which is to try to reveal about social awareness originating from individual experience, and having a relationship with innovation behavior in the dynamics of the interaction of the creative telematics community. The research results can be formulated including: (1) The creativity of telematics activists in the city of Malang is able to develop a relationship formula based on the intensity of information exchange through forums initiated by telematics activists, both formally and non-formally; (2) The emergence of innovative behavior in the life of the creative telematics community, not only bringing up thematic aspects but is a socio-cultural process formed through a social learning process; (3) Innovative behavior in the dynamics of the creative telematics community, has combined conventional approaches and optimization of renewable technology tools, by prioritizing the building of sustainable relationships; and (4) Factors that support and inhibit innovation behavior, dominantly emerge from within the telematics activists, with behavior that tends to be in situations that are actually faced and felt by the creative telematics activists themselves.

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How to Cite

Sapto Adi, D. ., Noor, M. T. ., & Hariyanto, T. . (2021). Innovative Behavior of Telematics Creative Community in Interaction Dynamics: (Study of Innovation Activists in Creative Telematics Community in Malang City, Indonesia). International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 7(6), 42–55.


