Employee Behavior in the Regional Civil Service Agency of East Kutai Regency, Indonesia

Social Reality Study on Employee Competency Standards


  • Sudirman Latif University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Agus Sholahuddin University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Sri Hartini Jatmikowati University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia




Employee Behavior, Competency Standards


The purpose of this study is to find out, describe and analyze how the behavior of employees in the Regional Personnel Board of East Kutai Regency and to find out, describe and analyze what things are behind the behavior of employees in the Regional Civil Service Agency of East Kutai Regency. To reveal this reality, qualitative research methods are used where the data obtained is processed by organizing and sorting the data into patterns or categories and descriptions of basic units so that they can be read and interpreted. Based on the facts and phenomena obtained in the field, the results of the research are as follows: First, Order and Order and the discipline of employees at the BKD of East Kutai Regency are an example for the agency, service or other work units are carried out with full awareness and implementation is part of the organizational culture. Second, increasing employee morale and work ethic is carried out by providing motivation as a result of the increasing public demand for public services. Third, in the Civil Service Agency, cooperation is a necessity to realize success in providing public services wherewith a teamwork system, employees will be helped and feel the benefits compared to working alone. Fourth, at the Employment Agency, the implementation of employee duties and functions can run well and professionally, especially in facing the demands of public services with the provision of education and training on employee reliability in carrying out tasks so that they are carried out with high quality, right time, carefully, and with procedures that are easy to understand and follow by those who need services. Fifth, the improvement of skills, both technical skills and skills to manage self and others owned by ASN in the Regional Personnel Agency of East Kutai Regency is the ability to carry out a certain task, both physically and mentally. Sixth, Efforts to improve the attitude or behavior of employees within the Regional Personnel Agency are carried out in the form of activities whose main purpose is to improve attitudes, attitudes, and behavior that can be said to be very supportive in the duties of an employee in carrying out his work. Seventh, Employees of the Regional Personnel Agency of East Kutai Regency are given motivation and enthusiasm at all times so that they are disciplined in completing their duties and functions as stated in the description of duties and functions of positions and responsibilities. The factors behind the behavior of employees of the Regional Personnel Agency of East Kutai Regency include the existence of an employee recruitment process carried out through direct appointments, through computer answer sheets, and thirdly, the computer-assisted test (CAT) system with methods and questions that have undergone changes, is carried out seriously. because it will have an impact in the future is having an impact on the institution occupied by the employee. The education level of employees of the East Kutai Regional Personnel Agency influences the mindset of employees which can be improved through the implementation of formal and non-formal education in the form of training as a means to improve work behavior and employee performance. This knowledge of an employee is part of supporting employee competence in completing job duties well but in practice, there are still many that are not in accordance with the existing position. Employees at the East Kutai Regional Personnel Agency will be motivated to work diligently if salaries are paid on time, especially if their salaries are increased in times of need and prices are increasing and the impact on employee income is an increase in employee behavior or competence. The employee's lifestyle is related to employee behavior so that employees must be able to adjust their daily life patterns with the income earned and not take credit from banks beyond the employee's ability limit, resulting in employees no longer focusing on work which is their duty and responsibility. The environmental situation of the BKD Office in East Kutai Regency has an influence in shaping the work behavior of BKD employees, although they still borrow the Bappeda building, making the work atmosphere not optimal, a good working atmosphere is created and the relationship between employees is also good, also supported by adequate work facilities.


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How to Cite

Sudirman Latif, Agus Sholahuddin, & Sri Hartini Jatmikowati. (2021). Employee Behavior in the Regional Civil Service Agency of East Kutai Regency, Indonesia: Social Reality Study on Employee Competency Standards. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 7(8), 27–43. https://doi.org/10.31695/IJASRE.2021.34056


