Work Satisfaction as a Mediation Tool of Organizational Culture Towards Employees’ Performance


  • Yustina Olivia Da Silva
  • Achmad Firdiansjah
  • Boge Triatmanto



Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, Employees Performance.


This study aimed (1) to describe the organizational culture, job satisfaction, and employees’ performance variables; (2) to analyze
the influence of corporate culture variables towards job satisfaction; (3) to investigate the effect of corporate culture and job satisfaction towards employee’s performance. The samples employed in this study were 49 people. The analysis technique
administered was the model of Structural Equation Modeling. The t-equation model was a combination of factor analysis, regression t and path analysis. The method of the structural equation could be tested to determine the value of direct influence,
indirect influence, and the total influence between Exogenous Variables and Endogenous Variables. The organizational culture
influenced job satisfaction, which meant that employees’ job satisfaction would be obtained if the company had a good organizational culture. Furthermore, organizational culture and job satisfaction affected employees’ performance. It could be
assumed that the better the organizational culture of the company in supporting its employees in completing the company’s work, the more satisfied the employees would be. Moreover, it could improve the employees’ performance. Job satisfaction mediated the influence of organizational culture towards employees’ performance. Thus, the organizational culture could be inferred having a positive influence in improving employees’ performance, if employees felt satisfied with their workplace.


How to Cite

Yustina Olivia Da Silva, Achmad Firdiansjah, & Boge Triatmanto. (2019). Work Satisfaction as a Mediation Tool of Organizational Culture Towards Employees’ Performance. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 5(3), 110–115.