Qualitative Survey & Evaluation of Urbanization and Slum Development in Ugep Urban, Yakurr Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria


  • Agbor E A Cross River University of Technology, Nigeria
  • Obongha U E Cross River University of Technology, Nigeria
  • Ita E E Cross River University of Technology, Nigeria




Population, Socio-economic data, Slum development, Urbanization


The twentieth century witnessed a rapid shift in population from rural areas to urban areas in most countries of the world. There is a growing concentration of people in urban centers and Ugep in Yakurr Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria, is a case study. Housing demand increases due to growth in population, rapid urbanization and industrialization. It influences quality living and its shortage more often leads to overcrowding, unsanitary conditions and slum development. The aim of this study is to assess urbanization and slum development in Ugep urban. The specific objectives include; (i) to examine the cause of urbanization and slum development in Ugep Urban. (ii) to determine the negative impact of urbanization and slum in the area under study. (iii) to make recommendations for sustainable growth and development of Ugep urban.

Field surveys and questionnaire administration were used for the collection of socio-economic data. Other methods for data collection include oral interview, direct physical observation and focused group discussion. Purposive sampling techniques was adopted and a total of 200 copies of the semi-structured questionnaire, 50 each were randomly administered in each of the four major political wards in Ugep namely, Bikobiko, Ijiman, Ijom and Ikpakapit which make up Ugep Urban. The data collected were analyzed using simple percentages and tables. The result of this study shows that Ugep urban is highly urbanized considering its increasing population in all the wards. Poverty is prevalent with a high occupancy rate. The study revealed that residents live in substandard houses without basic amenities and services. The study also revealed high incidences of criminal activities and poor health conditions due to unsanitary conditions. The study recommended the creation of employment opportunities and the provision of basic amenities and services to reduce rural-urban migration. It recommended a reduction in the cost of building materials and encouraging long-term loans with low-interest rates. The study also recommended that the Area Planning Authority in Ugep should set and enforce standards for public and private buildings and ensure that development plans obtain a building permit before structures are erected.


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How to Cite

Agbor E A, Obongha U E, & Ita E E. (2021). Qualitative Survey & Evaluation of Urbanization and Slum Development in Ugep Urban, Yakurr Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 7(11), 97–109. https://doi.org/10.31695/IJASRE.2021.34114


