Experimental Study and Comparative Effects of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) crop residues and effective Microorganisms (EM) on the Fertilizer value of Coffee Pulp Compost


  • SIBOMANA Rémy Haguruka People’s University (UPH). Bujumbura, Burundi.
  • KABONEKA Salvator University of Burundi. P.O. Box 2940 Bujumbura, Burundi
  • BAKUNDUKIZE Nadine Haguruka People’s University (UPH), Bujumbura, Burundi
  • NIBASHIKIRE Cariton Haguruka People’s University (UPH), Bujumbura, Burundi
  • BUKOBERO Libère Haguruka People’s University (UPH), Burundi.
  • NIYONKURU Deogratias Haguruka People’s University (UPH), Bujumbura, Burundi
  • NTAKARUTIMANA Innocent Cooperative Society of Studies and Technical works (SCERT), Bujumbura, Burundi.
  • BARANTANDIKIYE Fébronie Farmer. Bukeye commune, Muramvya Province, Burundi
  • NSABUMUKIZA Adélaïde Farmer. Mbuye commune, Muramvya Province, Burundi
  • BARISESA Moïse Farmer. Bukeye commune, Muramvya Province, Burundi
  • NIYONZIMA Agrippine Farmer. Mbuye commune, Muramvya Province, Burundi
  • JAMUBANDI Francine Farmer. Mbuye commune, Muramvya Province, Burundi




Coffee pulp, Compost, Accelerators, Residues, Bean Residues, Potato, Yield


In order to evaluate the fertilizer potentials of the coffee pulp as compost, three field experiments were set up with bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). To that end, the fresh coffee pulp was composted with accelerators addition. Evaluated treatments in a Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with 4 replicates were as follows : T1 = Coffee pulp (CP) alone ; T2 = CP + 1 L molasse + 1 L Effective Microorganisms (EM1) + 37 kg of dolomitic lime ; T3 = CP + 16.75 kg of bean residues (BR1) + 16.75 kg of soil (forest soil) ; T4 = CP + 2 L molasse + 2 L EM2 + 74 kg of dolomitic lime ; T5 = CP + 33.5 kg of bean residues (BR2) + 33.5 kg of soil (forest soil) ; T6 = Farm manure + 1.5 T/ha dolomitic lime + 200 kg/ha DAP+ 100 kg/ha KCl + 50 kg/ha Urea and T7 = Control (non amended/fertilised). In both the bean and the first potato (Victoria variety) experiments, recommended organo-mineral fertilization (T6) was not significantly different from either T4 (CP+EM2) or T5 (CP + BR2).  In the second potato (Mabondo) study, T6 (Farm Manure + 60-90-60) produced significantly higher yields than the other treatments (T7, T6, T5, and T4), which did not show any significant differences among them. Across the three field studies, treatments T4 (CP+EM2) and T5 (CP + BR2) are equivalent and substitutable. Nevertheless, being imported, EM is surely problematic with regard to cost, conservation, and manipulation. In that context, we contend that T5 (CP + BR2) is more accessible to farmers and could be widely adopted as a source of organic fertilizer. We then advance that this compost treatment (T5) is the one to be disseminated as a potential coffee pulp-based source of organic fertilizer in coffee-growing Burundi areas. We further propose to test the minerally-complemented T5 (CP+BR2+mineral fertilizers) against the currently recommended Farm Manure+mineral fertilizer applications for bean (18-46-0) and potato (60-90-60) crops. Such an experimental study would evaluate the substitutability of farm manure by CP compost boosted by bean residues addition.


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How to Cite

SIBOMANA Rémy, KABONEKA Salvator, BAKUNDUKIZE Nadine, NIBASHIKIRE Cariton, BUKOBERO Libère, NIYONKURU Deogratias, NTAKARUTIMANA Innocent, BARANTANDIKIYE Fébronie, NSABUMUKIZA Adélaïde, BARISESA Moïse, NIYONZIMA Agrippine, & JAMUBANDI Francine. (2021). Experimental Study and Comparative Effects of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) crop residues and effective Microorganisms (EM) on the Fertilizer value of Coffee Pulp Compost. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 7(12), 45–56. https://doi.org/10.31695/IJASRE.2021.34121


