Agglomeration on Food and Beverage Industry : Case study in the Province of East Java


  • Muryani
  • Naima Janatin Akbar



Industry, Food, Beverage, Agglomeration, East Java.


The aim of this research is to calculate and analyze the regions in East Java province that is superior in their food and beverage
industries during the period of 2012-2015. The methods used in this research are Static Location Quotient (SLQ), Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ), and Shift Share. The result of this research shows that : (1) food and beverage industries nowadays are
starting to become the basis sector in almost all regencies/ Cities in East Java province, (2) ) sub-sector of food and beverage is becoming the leading industries inPacitan regency, Ponorogo regency, Tulungagung regency, Blitar Regency, Kediri regency,
Malang regency, Jember regency, Bondowoso regency, Situbondo regency, Sidoarjo regency, Jombang regency, Nganjuk regency, Madiun regency, Magetan Regency, Ngawi Regency, Lamongan regency, Pamekasan regency, Sumenep regency,Blitar city, and Surabaya city, (3) Ccommodity industries of food and beverage have some competitive advantages in Ponorogo regency, Tulung agung regency, Jember regency, Banyuwangi regency,Bondowoso regency, Situbondo regency,Probolinggo regency,Pasuruan regency,Jombang regency,Bojonegoro regency,Tuban regency,Lamongan regency,Bangkalan regency,Sampang regency, Pamekasan regency, Sumenep regency,Blitar city,Surabaya city, and Batu city.


How to Cite

Muryani, & Naima Janatin Akbar. (2019). Agglomeration on Food and Beverage Industry : Case study in the Province of East Java. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 5(3), 116–123.