Incorporating Environmental Protection Requirement in Industrial IoT Access Control Security Using Arduino Technology MQ2 and DHT11 Sensor Networks


  • Joseph Kalunga School of Engineering, University of Zambia Lusaka Zambia
  • Simon Tembo School of Engineering, University of Zambia Lusaka Zambia
  • Jackson Phiri School of Natural Sciences, University of Zambia Lusaka Zambia



Industrial IoT Security, Environmental Security, Critical Infrastructure Security, Arduino Technology, MQ2 Sensor, DHT1 Sensor


This paper presents the development of environmental monitoring mechanism based on Arduino Sensor Technology for Industrial Internet of Things (Industrial IoT) Critical Infrastructure (CI) Protection in an Access Control role. Access control of hazardous substances is one of the most vulnerable aspects of Industrial IoT CI.  The idea behind this study is to harden environmental security through live ecological monitoring of Temperature, Humidity and emitted hazardous substances or gases due to Industrial activities and processes in Smart CI places such as Nuclear Processing Plant, Thermal Generation Power Industries, Fossil Processing Plant, Military Chemical warfare plant, food processing factory, Agriculture Chemical Manufacturing Plant and many other CI industries. Live monitoring is one of the most important security requirements for any cyber-Access Control Mechanism.  The literature revealed that similar systems were developed and implemented in different organizations and with different System Requirements and specifications. However, most CI industries have not automated environmental monitoring requirements and integrated the requirement into a broad institution security continuum. The consequence of neglecting environmental security is climate change. Furthermore, Toxic gas pollution affects millions of people around the world and contributes to about 5.4 percent of deaths worldwide. Pollution kills more people than the combination of malaria, AIDS, and tuberculosis hence the development of security mechanisms to monitor pollutants in the atmosphere.  The main objective of this study was to develop a computer-based application for monitoring environmental hazardous substances such as extreme temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and Smoke in the atmosphere surrounding Industrial IoT CI Industries. The system development approach employed was the Arduino engineering process model. To achieve this objective, cheaper ecological sensor Networks that include MQ2 and DHT11 Arduino Sensors are connected to Arduino Uno Microcontroller through a solderless breadboard Arduino component. The backend database was MySQL Relational database management system. The developed prototype application produced a number of results including live monitoring of temperature, humidity, CO2, CO, Smoke, and many others. A system evaluation process was conducted and the result indicated 99.999% accuracy levels. The results, it evidence that the developed prototype application can improve environmental security in Industrial IoT CI institutions.


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How to Cite

Joseph Kalunga, Simon Tembo, & Jackson Phiri. (2022). Incorporating Environmental Protection Requirement in Industrial IoT Access Control Security Using Arduino Technology MQ2 and DHT11 Sensor Networks . International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 8(4), 97–122.


