Quality Assessment of high energy biscuits Served in School Feeding Programme in Poverty-Prone Areas in Bangladesh


  • Md. Anwar Hossain Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Bangladesh https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7863-9574
  • Nitai Chakraborty Department of Statistics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh




Institute of Food Science and Technology, IFST, Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR), Single Stage Cluster Sampling, World Food Programme (WFP), Multivariate Linear Regression, Binary Logistic Regression


This work purposes to examine the quality of industrially treated fortified high energy biscuits in Bangladesh as served in schools in poverty-prone areas in Bangladesh. Datasets were collected from the Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST), Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR), Dhaka. These are collected with the method of Single Stage Cluster Sampling. The sample referred to as Fortified High Energy Biscuit was subjected to laboratory test of the level of some qualitative parameters such as moisture, protein, fat, sugar, carbohydrate, vitamin A, Iron, etc. This data complies with the World Food Programme (WFP) standard in the framework of predictive and classification tools. In this research, we considered a 306 dataset from a previously physiochemical analysis of high energy biscuits in IFST, BCSIR, Dhaka. Several regression techniques were considered multivariate linear regression, and binary logistic regression. The logistic regression gives stronger results in terms of the interpretation, outperforming the linear regression as well as other models. Such models are useful for biscuits quality evaluation and improving biscuits production. Furthermore, similar techniques can help in the quality testing of different food products.


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How to Cite

Hossain, M. A., & Nitai Chakraborty. (2022). Quality Assessment of high energy biscuits Served in School Feeding Programme in Poverty-Prone Areas in Bangladesh. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 8(5), 23–36. https://doi.org/10.31695/IJASRE.2022.8.5.2


