Implementation of the Weighted Product Method for Bank Credit Restructuring Applications


  • Bagas Julian U Department of Informatics IKPIA Perbanas Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Isnin Faried Department of Informatics, IKPIA Perbanas Jakarta, Indonesia



Credit Restructuring, Decision Support System, System Semi-Automatic, Weighted Product Method


The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is felt by the company, which is a decline in business revenue. The scan also has an impact in terms of the ability to repay bank credit and has a risk of credit clogging. The XYZ Bank as a lender has an obligation to implement the established policy of National Economic Stimulus. Nowadays, credit restructuring services exist, but many of the service processes are still carried out semi-automatically, partly by the system and the other part by humans and using paper-based data. The method used to solve such problems is the Decision Support System using the Weighted Product method. (WP).

Research conclusions on the implementation of the Weighted Product (WP) method show good results and can perform criteria calculations (in numerical form) for all criteria. This method can be implemented by combining server-side scripting in PHP and client-sided scripting using Javascript. The overall results can be concluded the application created to meet the needs of the research problem that is making the automation of the priority process of submission of credit restructuring in Bank XYZ. There is a minimum result that is the algorithm used affecting the increase in the load of memory and processor performance.


How to Cite

Bagas Julian U, & Faried, I. (2023). Implementation of the Weighted Product Method for Bank Credit Restructuring Applications. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 9(10), 1–8.