Supportive Organizational Context and Employee Commitment: the case of Information Technology Companies


  • Prakash Shrestha Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Makshindra Thapa Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University, Lalitpur, Nepal



Employee commitment, Information technology companies, IT professionals, Supportive organizational context


This study explores key factors of supportive organizational context that enhance employee commitment. A qualitative research approach is used to gather data. Data was gathered from employees in 15 information technology (IT) companies in Nepal, ranging from senior IT professionals to entry-level personnel. 60 employees (34 men and 26 women) took part in the discussion. They discussed several themes related to organizational context that affect employee commitment. The results show that IT professionals were found aware of a variety of factors that support creating and enhancing employee commitment. They include trust and transparency, recognition and reward systems, personal values and organizational alignment, safety and work conditions, organizational culture, fair treatment and equity, support services and resources, leadership influence, interpersonal relationships at work, and employee autonomy and empowerment. Together, these factors form a complete work environment where employees feel valued, inspired, and in alignment with the goals and core values of the company. Thus, today's companies need to create a strong and supportive organizational context in order to boost employee commitment. They must focus on the efficient use of human capital and foster an atmosphere that inspires employees to become devoted and committed.


How to Cite

Prakash Shrestha, & Makshindra Thapa. (2024). Supportive Organizational Context and Employee Commitment: the case of Information Technology Companies. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 10(7), 13–19.


