Study and Implementation Of API and Hashing Methods in Document Management System


  • A Rick Pernando Sinaga Faculty of Information Technology, Perbanas Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Elliana Gautama Faculty of Information Technology, Perbanas Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia



Application Programming Interface (API), Document Management System (DMS), Hashing


Document Processing Information System, better known as Document Management System, is an information system that utilizes information technology to assist and facilitate the processing of documents in an agency. Currently, the Document Management System is only used as a stand-alone information system and is only limited to managing documents for the system's needs. In its storage, the Document Management System still uses hard disk storage media or computer hard drives in the form of original documents. This makes it difficult for users to provide document backup data and has the risk of document damage and document access from outside the Document Management System. This study aims to connect Document Management System with other information systems that run outside DMS using API and hashing methods. The API method is used as a communication path or bridge so that DMS is a stand-alone information system and can support other information systems in document processing. This study also uses the hashing method to change the form of the original document into plaintext so that the document can be stored in the database storage media so that users can create document backup data, and documents can no longer be accessed from outside the Document Management System.


How to Cite

Sinaga, A. R. P., & Gautama, E. (2025). Study and Implementation Of API and Hashing Methods in Document Management System . International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 11(2), 1–13.