Optimization of Electrical 3 phase power distribution loss to rural areas in Uttrakhand State


  • Narendra Balkishan Soni
  • Himanshu Tyagi




Energy savings, Electricity consumption, Line losses, Payback.


This paper presents the technique of reducing distribution system losses of Kotuli village in Almora district of Uttrakhand state. The field survey was done to know about the condition of feeder and distribution system. The village distribution feeder generally supplies load to household lighting and agricultural loads. Strict observations were done and Recommendation for overall loss reduction techniques that leads to further improvement of overall efficiency of the system. After observation in the village it was found there is uneven distribution system was set up and due to this there distribution line losses were found to be very high and just by changing the distribution transformer position nearer to load center and replace the same with energy efficient transformer there was huge distribution line loss reduction and even the payback for the same is less than 4 years. In doing so the power theft chances will also reduce, as the high voltage line will directly be supplied nearer to load center this is known as the High voltage distribution system(HVDS). As the distribution line losses will reduce the demand for power from the utility will also get reduced thereby reducing the loading on 10MVA ,33/11KV distribution transformer that can share the power to other  village loads. In the proposed system there will be two single-phase transformers in place with 3 phase transformer that can also avoid overloading on 1 particular transformer as in future the load will going to increase as the population will increase and due  to the new upcoming technology, most of the process will be done by electrical energy.


How to Cite

Narendra Balkishan Soni, & Himanshu Tyagi. (2018). Optimization of Electrical 3 phase power distribution loss to rural areas in Uttrakhand State. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 4(4), 119–126. https://doi.org/10.7324/IJASRE.2018.32692