Multi-Level and Generic Decisional Model for E-Governance Applications in the Educational Field


  • Kele Mbbe Ripaul Carlos
  • Nkenlifack Marcellin Julius
  • Kamla Vivien Corneille



E-governance, Education, e-learning, Decision support system, Platform, Generic model, Meta modeling, Knowledge management.


This article presents the mechanisms to create a generic platform for decision makers to implement rapid management models,
with a multi-scale and multi-level stratification of education, including basic education, secondary and higher education, while
minimizing the risk of errors, so as to increase their efficiency in the governance field. We will identify beforehand the various
active and passive element involved in an education system, considered here as the model levels and the various interactions
between them. Then we list the specific objectives considered in the model. We will build on the analysis and knowledge
management techniques to develop a multi-level decision model incorporating levels and expected or desired objectives for better decision making. This work will help to solve the difficulties that governments sometimes face in optimizing and taking decision making regarding construction of schools or universities with possibly building of a platform for e-learning in various localities, assignment of teachers or non-teaching staff in an institution, training of these as needed, allocation of teaching materials, benches and laboratory equipment. It is for us to truly put technology at the service of governance in education, and development in general.


How to Cite

Kele Mbbe Ripaul Carlos, Nkenlifack Marcellin Julius, & Kamla Vivien Corneille. (2019). Multi-Level and Generic Decisional Model for E-Governance Applications in the Educational Field . International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 5(5), 183–196.