Estimated Cost of Repairing Road Pavement Damage Assessment: A Case Study of Indonesia


  • Edy Suhartono, Muhammad A
  • Renggananda BP
  • Martono
  • Marsudi Dianita Ratna Kusumastuti
  • Dedi Budi Setiawan
  • Nur Setiaji P



Jalan Pemalang Randudongkal, Damage and Repair of Road Pavement, Cost Estimates


Road infrastructure is a land transportation infrastructure that affects the development of an area. When infrastructure is damaged, distribution between regions will be disrupted and have an impact on regional economic development, in addition to the inconvenience felt by road users. This condition occurs on provincial roads in Pemalang District which are damaged. Road
damage was caused by the passing of the Pemalang-Batang Toll Road construction project so that the volume of vehicles passing exceeded the capacity of the road. The high growth of traffic because economic growth can cause serious problems if it is not
balanced with the maintenance and improvement of the quality of existing road facilities and infrastructure. It is necessary to add
road infrastructure and good pavement planning and sustainable road maintenance so that road conditions remain safe and
comfortable to provide services for vehicle traffic. The purpose of this study is to find economic costs to repair road damage. The
research method used is descriptive quantitative method. This research was conducted at Jalan Letjend DI Panjaitan in Pemalang
District. From the results of this analysis, it was found that the damage that occurred on Jalan Letjend DI. Panjaitan in Pemalang
District according to the Bina Marga method shows the number of road conditions 58.30% (good), 10% (minor damage), and
31.60% (heavily damaged). Improvement methods for good road conditions and minor damage are Bina Marga Standards and
repairs to heavily damaged road conditions using a rigid pavement method with a thickness of 25 cm. Total budget of Rp. 2,880,928,554.00 can save 72.57% compared to the calculation of Bina Marga Standards using overall pavement repairs.


How to Cite

Edy Suhartono, Muhammad A, Renggananda BP, Martono, Marsudi Dianita Ratna Kusumastuti, Dedi Budi Setiawan, & Nur Setiaji P. (2019). Estimated Cost of Repairing Road Pavement Damage Assessment: A Case Study of Indonesia. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 5(6), 37–40.