Data-Glove as a Sign Recognition System


  • B S Sudha
  • Veerendra Prasad Naik K
  • Venugopal R
  • Sandeep Sarveshwar Bhat
  • Vishwa Karimallappanavara



Android platform, Deaf, Mute, Hand Gesture, Kannada sign language, Wi-Fi, ATMEGA 2560


The sign language is important to people who are Mute or Deaf generally have hearing and speaking deficiency. It continues to be the preferred tool of communication among them. It is the well-structured code of hand gestures, where these gestures have the specific meaning, used to convey the information. The aim of this paper is to propose a system and methods for recognizing the different signs which are Indian Sign Language. The proposed system translates gestures into speech and text format. This system, in particular, is designed to convert Kannada sign language. We have designed and implemented a data glove, which includes a set of sensors and a Wi-Fi communication module with microcontroller ATMEGA2560. Hand sign is constructed, Classification into final text and speech transformation and follow interpretation. This system is portable, offering a neat translation of Kannada sign language on any android platforms on the connection. Thus, allowing someone with no knowledge of a Kannada sign language to be able to understand and interact.


How to Cite

B S Sudha, Veerendra Prasad Naik K, Venugopal R, Sandeep Sarveshwar Bhat, & Vishwa Karimallappanavara. (2018). Data-Glove as a Sign Recognition System. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 4(5), 1–4.