Automatic System for Checking and Controlling Air Pollution in Vehicles


  • Pinky Rana
  • Mrs. Neetu Sikarwar


Microcontroller, Sensors, GSM (SIM 9OOA), GPS


Each vehicle has its own emission of the gases, but the problem occurs when emissions are higher than standardized standards. The main reason for this violation is the incomplete combustion of the fuel supplied to the engine, due to improper maintenance of vehicles. This emission cannot be completely stopped in vehicles, but it can definitely be controlled. The main objective of this project is to monitor and control the pollution of the vehicle using pollution control circuits. There are many sensors in this pollution control circuit, such as smoking sensors, temperature sensors, GSM, GPS and all of these are connected to a controller. This is a real-time job where a demo application has been used in which ATMEGA 16 microcontroller is used and a controlling board is created Where all these devices are collected and act accordingly. The vehicle is controlled by this circuit when the engine automatically closes when a vehicle goes above the threshold pollution level. And an SMS is generated and sent to the pre-defined number stored in the memory through the GSM module.GPS module is used to find the vehicle position where it is stopped. This letter shows an effective use of technology by which we can save the environment by controlling the pollution of vehicles.


How to Cite

Pinky Rana, & Mrs. Neetu Sikarwar. (2017). Automatic System for Checking and Controlling Air Pollution in Vehicles. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 3(5), 69–75. Retrieved from