Evaluation of School Culture In Character Building at Ummul Quro Elementary School in Bogor, Indonesia


  • Ariah
  • Fasli Jalal
  • Asep Supena




Character, Culture School, Evaluation.


Schools have an important role in shaping the personality of students through character education. The importance of building character in the school become the principal source of a nation because the nation great is the nation that has a strong character and has high competence. One of building character in school is through the school culture. This study aimed to analyze and evaluate the implementation of the school culture in character building at Ummul Quro school in Bogor, Indonesia. This research method is qualitative evaluative model Stake's Countenance. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Then the data were analyzed using analysis techniques model of Miles and Huberman, which consists of data collection (later in the reduction), data presentation, and verification (conclusion). These results indicate that the building of character through the implementation of a school culture should focus on habituation to represent the values of the main character is a priority of the school. Habituation is integrated into all activities in the school as reflected in the atmosphere and environment conducive school.


How to Cite

Ariah, Fasli Jalal, & Asep Supena. (2020). Evaluation of School Culture In Character Building at Ummul Quro Elementary School in Bogor, Indonesia. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 4(7), 136–139. https://doi.org/10.31695/IJASRE.2018.32785 (Original work published July 5, 2018)