Pilot Contamination Mitigation in Massive MIMO Systems-based 5G network


  • Nabeel Ali Abdullah




Large-scale MIMO, 5G Wireless Systems, Pilot contamination, Inter-cell interference


5G, a future descent cellular network is predictable to encourage the increasing demand for continuous rising mobile users and
the egression of services like the internet of things. Enormous MIMO has been specified as a promising technology that presents
important improvements in the efficiency of spectral over 4G technologies. Although, pilot contamination is the prime restricted
factor while considering the TDD protocol. Several manners have been offered in literature to diminish the influence of pilot
contamination in mobile systems. This paper provides an overview of the proposed a spatiotemporal approach which can mitigate
the effect of pilot contamination by avoiding time-domain transmitting synchronous pilot and then a pilot allocation algorithm in
the spatial domain. The proposed scenario provides a reduced level of intercell interference, which eventually gives it the ability
to enhance the minimum and the mean achievable strength per terminal.


How to Cite

Nabeel Ali Abdullah. (2020). Pilot Contamination Mitigation in Massive MIMO Systems-based 5G network. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 6(3), 197–204. https://doi.org/10.31695/IJASRE.2020.33770