Quality Control Analysis of Belt Conveyor with Statistical Process Control Approach: A Case Study in Fabrication Manufacturing Industry


  • Muhammad Ryan Permana
  • Indrawansyah
  • Humiras Hardi Purba




Process Capability, Process Capability index, Fabrication, Quality, Statistical Process Control.


In the field of construction includes construction of steel, installation of heavy components and construction (buildings, roads, or bridges). The current job activity is construction and conveyor belts manufacturing. If a product needs to satisfy the customer, the product should be made with a stable process where the process should be able to operate with small variances around the target value that will characterize product quality. Based on these issues, the purpose of the study is to achieve higher product quality, maintain stable quality, and make better specifications by reducing the defective products. Data measurement results are within control limits, from 15 components found only 3 that are far the from data spec means all data are out of control and this because of the high data variances. An improvement proposal to overcome defects in belt conveyor products such as direct training and coaching to every operator, in the determination of allowance should be adjusted to field measurements and perform predetermined measurements and use safety tools such as ear plug, so all operators are comfortable and concentrated in working and lighting inside the room.


How to Cite

Muhammad Ryan Permana, Indrawansyah, & Humiras Hardi Purba. (2018). Quality Control Analysis of Belt Conveyor with Statistical Process Control Approach: A Case Study in Fabrication Manufacturing Industry. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 4(8), 19–28. https://doi.org/10.31695/IJASRE.2018.32819