Determinants of Expansion Strategies in Public Training Institutions: A Case Study of Kenya Medical Training College


  • Musango Paul Chandoo
  • Dr. Thomas Katua Ngui



Uptake of Courses, Devolution of Health Services, Politics, Finances, Success of Expansion Strategies.


This study set out to find out the determinants of expansion strategies in public training institutions: a case study of Kenya Medical Training College. The specific objectives of the study are to: examine the influence of uptake of courses on the success of expansion strategies in the public training institutions; establish the influence of devolution of health services on the success of expansion strategies in the public training institutions; determine the influence of politics on the success of expansion strategies in the public training institutions and; assess the influence of finances on the success of expansion strategies in the public training
institutions. It adopted a descriptive survey design. The study focused on 1943 persons (1900 KMTC employees from the 65 KMTC campuses in Kenya and 43 ministries of health employees in the 43 counties that have KMTC campuses). The sample size comprised 10% of the target population. In this regard, 194 persons were sampled. The study used stratified random sampling
techniques to obtain the study sample. In this regard, KMTC officials from 7 departments namely Finance; Procurement; Registrar (academic affairs); Principals of campuses; Human Resource; Administrative Services and Corporate Communications, Public Relations as well as Ministry of Health Officials were proportionately included in the study. Primary data was collected using a structured questionnaires and interviews. Data from questionnaires was cleaned and coded and analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24. The data was also illustrated using Tables, Charts, and graphs. The findings show that the four study variables influenced the uptake of expansion strategies at KMTC campuses. In this regard, Pearson Correlation shows that there was statistical significant relationship between uptake of courses (r=.090, p<0.001); devolution of health services (r=0.221, p<0.001); politics (r=0.079, p<0.001); and finances (r=0.075, p<0.001) and success of expansion strategies. These findings show that the devolution of health services was the strongest factor that influenced the success of expansion strategies. This was followed by the uptake of courses, politics, and finances in that order. As such, the expansion strategies can only be successful if the college put in place strategies aimed at enhancing the uptake of courses. When intakes of students were high, KMTC campuses could work within their capacities. This could go on to enhance the level of their success since enough finances were generated. Avoiding the negative influences of the devolution of health services and politics also enhanced the success of expansion strategies at KMTC. In this regard, efforts aimed at reducing political patronage as well as interferences of devolved governments in the running of KMTC campuses would enhance the performance of new campuses. Lastly effort aimed at ensuring that new campuses could generate enough financial resources contributed to the level of success of expansion strategies at KMTC.


How to Cite

Musango Paul Chandoo, & Dr. Thomas Katua Ngui. (2019). Determinants of Expansion Strategies in Public Training Institutions: A Case Study of Kenya Medical Training College. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 5(11), 75–86.