Attachment and Self Esteem Quality of Children Aged 10-12 Years with Migrant Mother in Indonesian workers


  • Nurmika Indra Triasni
  • Asep Supena
  • Deasyanti



Quality Attachment, Self-esteem, Migrant worker


This study aims to determine the quality of the attachment, self-esteem and influence between them in adolescents aged 10-12 years who have a mother as a migrant worker in primary schools Locondong, Banyumas. The method used in this research is the Mixed Method. The data in this study were obtained from the student questionnaire, the results of student interviews, interviews of parents and teacher interviews. Instruments in this study using the Inventory Of Parents and Peer Attachment and Coopersmith Self-esteem Inventory (CSEI), Observation sheets, and the questionnaires. Based on the results of statistical analysis and discussion, the results obtained show that the level of quality of attachment teenagers aged 10-12 years who have a mother as migrant workers mostly in the category of being 55%, on 15% higher category and the category was lower by 30%. As for the level of self-esteem adolescents aged 10-12 years who have a mother sebaagai TKI mostly in the category of being 55%, the 25% category and the category was lower by 20%.


How to Cite

Nurmika Indra Triasni, Asep Supena, & Deasyanti. (2018). Attachment and Self Esteem Quality of Children Aged 10-12 Years with Migrant Mother in Indonesian workers. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 4(8), 163–170.