Cognitive Ethnopedological Bases And Soil Uses In Kpouebo (Toumodi), Central Region Of Cote D'ivoire


  • OUATTARA Amidou
  • ADECHINA Olayossimi
  • NGUESSAN Koffi
  • YAO-KOUAME Albert



Ethnopedological survey, Kpouébo, Agriculture, Soil, Côte d'Ivoire.


Developing strategies for sustainable agriculture requires consideration of local soil knowledge. An ethnopedological study on the local perception of soils among the Baoulés (ethnic group of the central Ivory Coast) was conducted in the village of Kpouébo in November 2016. The study aimed to understand the semantic triptych of ethnopedology of which :
- The knowledge accumulated by the peasants (Corpus);
- The practices implemented on the ground (Praxis);
- Rites and beliefs related to soil cultivation (Cosmos).
To achieve these objectives, the study consisted of surveys of the peasant mass. It appears that populations identify their soil using morphological criteria. The agronomic value of soils in terms of indicators of fertility, cultivation techniques, or soil protection has been identified. Much more than a medium of culture, the ground is at the origin of several beliefs and many divinities are attached to it. However, despite the wealth of corpus and praxis, local knowledge about the management and use of water for agricultural needs is insufficient or non-existent. This study presents previously unverified knowledge that can facilitate exchanges between farmers and the scientific community and help design sustainable agriculture.


How to Cite

OUATTARA Amidou, ADECHINA Olayossimi, NGUESSAN Koffi, & YAO-KOUAME Albert. (2018). Cognitive Ethnopedological Bases And Soil Uses In Kpouebo (Toumodi), Central Region Of Cote D’ivoire. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 4(10), 34–44.