The Trust Mechanism Protocol for Automatic Smart Irrigation System Using WSN


  • K Boopathi ra
  • EM Alaghusooriya
  • K Anitha
  • C R Anjana
  • V Hari narayanan



Zigbee, WSN, Sensors, Node failure protocol


Irrigation is an essential practice in many agricultural cropping systems in semiarid and arid areas, and efficient water applications and management are major concerns. Self-propelled centre pivot and linear-move irrigation systems generally apply
water quite uniformly; however, substantial variations in soil properties and water availability exist across most fields. In these
cases, the ability to apply site-specific irrigation management to match spatially and temporally variable conditions can increase
application efficiencies, reduce environmental impacts, and even improve yields. The objective of this paper is to design and
implementation of trust mechanism protocol in wireless sensor networks. This protocol is used to detect the node failure problem
that occurs in the WSN and to implement this for monitoring network in agricultural fields. In our proposed system we monitor the field conditions and control the crop irrigation with node failure protocol and using wireless connections. The communication is done by ZigBee router; hence it is cost effective and also need not manual monitoring using android applications when compared to other system. It increases the reliability of the structure. However, the farmland irrigation in our country still adopts extensive manual operations which will result in wastage of water resources which will be overcome in this paper. It can also accurately collect the soil temperature, humidity, air temperature, water pump operation and water level indication. This will also be implemented in vertical gardening’s. This protocol could be implemented in all type of WSN application.


How to Cite

K Boopathi ra, EM Alaghusooriya, K Anitha, C R Anjana, & V Hari narayanan. (2017). The Trust Mechanism Protocol for Automatic Smart Irrigation System Using WSN. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 3(11), 87–94.