The Vital of Cyber Network in the Electronic Governance


  • Abdullah D. Salman
  • Sarah A. Abd
  • Mahmood K. Jumaah



E-governance, Information Technology, survey, The electronic government, , The electronic Communication.


This study speaks or illustrates the importance of transition to electronic government. In order to upgrade to the best ways to accomplish many tasks for citizens and between other institutions and how to interact between them. Many developed countries implements the electronic government system and have benefited from the development in the field of information and communications technology. This study is also about communication types, especially fiber optical cable, which is currently the backbone of the process of linking between institutions. And the importance of converting all institutions to link fiber optic cable used in many areas such as technical construction, power plants, railways and other uses. In 2015, the Ministry of Planning carried out a survey of all Iraqi state institutions on the preparation of the state to switch to the E-Government in cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Technology. The survey included all the ministries of the state and non-affiliated bodies as well as the provincial councils, Where work was done in two phases:-

Phase 1: All the major formations of ministries and entities not connected to a ministry that have financial and administrative independence were covered. The results of the survey showed that the total number of the formations is 574.

Phase 2: The selection of the profiles that have better than the readiness of the shift towards the electronic ministry in accordance with the criterion of availability of electronic services and the number of 131 formations.

The objectives of this survey are to build a statistical database that includes the extent of the use of information and communication technology in the institutions, in addition to the changing of all citizens’ services to electronic services, which privacy and security of citizen information. With the development of future plans to improve the performance and development of the use of electronic governance. Through the results obtained, ability of the state’s institution to shift to electronic governance has been assessed as Poor in the application of E-Governance. The main criterion for measuring the evolution of E-Governance is the interaction between citizens and government institutions, and that services provided by institutions to the citizen are partial services.


How to Cite

Abdullah D. Salman, Sarah A. Abd, & Mahmood K. Jumaah. (2018). The Vital of Cyber Network in the Electronic Governance. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 4(11), 156–163.