Implementation of Ergonomic Biomechanics on Harvest Management by Combined Harverter Machine


  • Andi Haslindah
  • Ahmad Hanafie
  • Suradi
  • A. Haslinah



Biomekanika, Ergonomics, Combine harvester.


Biomechanics is performed to minimize fatigue and risk of muscle bone loss, in repetitive working conditions. So in the placement and operation of the controller must be ergonomic so that the operation in the most efficient besides, to get the inclination (slope). The hand position angle relative to the horizontal so that the maximal force can be applied, then the condition must meet the condition of each muscle. The objective of the study is to apply ergonomic biomechanics to harvest management of combined harverter machines. The data collection is done directly to the user of a combined harverter machine to know the working condition, the collection/measurement, the dimension of the human body. Further data weight and the height of the operator will
be processed to analyze the posture at work. The direct measurements of muscle strength before the redesign of the magnitude of the moment in each segment of the operator body are as follows: The moment of the forearm, the operator A = 11.366 Nm, operator B = 13.769 Nm, operator C = 11.287 Nm and operator D = 11,675 Nm and the magnitude of the moment at the upper arm, on the operator that is operator A = 22.610 N.m, operator B = 27.004 N.m, operator C = 19.845 N.m and operator D = 21.429 N.m.3. The magnitude of the moment on the back, on the operator before redesign the operator A = 69.029 N.m, operator B=76.587 N.m, operator C = 66.334 N.m and operator D = 70.127 N.m.


How to Cite

Andi Haslindah, Ahmad Hanafie, Suradi, & A. Haslinah. (2018). Implementation of Ergonomic Biomechanics on Harvest Management by Combined Harverter Machine. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 4(11), 178–185.