Developing of the Mobile Phone Training Device for Industrial Secondary School Students: Case Study


  • Omar Samir Mohamed Ali
  • Mohsen Ahmed Mohamed Kassem El-Bendary
  • Mustafa Ali Rifai El-tokhy
  • Ibrahim Saber Abdel-Rahman Qassem



Mobile phone training device, Simulation Model, Training development.


The Mobile phone is one of the most important devices affecting our daily lives. This study focuses on simulating mobile phone faults which affect the training device on the mobile phone. Department of electronics in industrial schools, such as( Screen failures, audio failures, SIM card failures, vibrator failures, ringing failures, battery failures, charging failures, power switch failures, and keyboard failures). A model was created to simulate mobile phone failures using PROTEUS / SIMULINK. Results show that when the failures are activated, the name of the faults appears on the simulator screen. The results showed that when the name of the failures appeared in writing, this affects the development of the skill of student’s better regarding knowledge of failures.


How to Cite

Omar Samir Mohamed Ali, Mohsen Ahmed Mohamed Kassem El-Bendary, Mustafa Ali Rifai El-tokhy, & Ibrahim Saber Abdel-Rahman Qassem. (2018). Developing of the Mobile Phone Training Device for Industrial Secondary School Students: Case Study. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 4(11), 214–223.