Radio Wave Detection Using Cost 231-Hata Model for Wireless Network Planning; A Case Study of Senate Building Environs of Unilag, Nigeria


  • Adekunle A.
  • Abimiku Y. K.
  • Umeobika N.M
  • Ameh E.E



Radio wave, Cost 231-HATA Model, Electric field.


Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum longer than infrared light. Accurate characterization of radio channel through key parameters and a mathematical model is important for predicting signal coverage, achievable data rates, bit error rate (BER), path loss and antenna gain especially within residential areas. An investigation on how suitable the COST 231-Hata model on radio wave detection within the engineering and senate building environs of the University of Lagos is presented here. Electric field strength data from the MTN base station located in the faculty of science is compared against field predictions made by the COST 231-Hata model. Analysis of results shows that the COST 231- Hata model is suitable for the terrain with a RMSE of 4.095 dB which is within the suitable 6 dB range. Further tuning of this model predicted the measured path loss with a RMSE of 1.371 dB which is a better result for signal prediction and assessment.


How to Cite

Adekunle A., Abimiku Y. K., Umeobika N.M, & Ameh E.E. (2018). Radio Wave Detection Using Cost 231-Hata Model for Wireless Network Planning; A Case Study of Senate Building Environs of Unilag, Nigeria. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 4(12), 107–113.