Design and Fabrication of Multi Agricultural Equipment


  • Madhu G
  • Mallikarjuna G B
  • Ajay C K
  • Sanjay H M


Spreyer, Frame, Equipment.


Every year in INDIA, an average of 1980 Cr of rupees is wasted due to weeds. Our country faces the total loss of 33% of its economic from weeds. The losses are due to some of the following reasons, total loss of 26% from crop diseases, total loss of 20% from insects and worms, total loss of 6% from rats has been surveyed. Weeding control is done by mechanical weeding, thermal weeding, flaming, biological control, and by farming pattern. It has always been a problem to successfully and completely remove weeds and innocuous plants. Invariably, weeds always grow where they are not wanted. This work involved the design and construction of mechanical weeder. The mechanical weeder was made of two implements attachments i.e: the primary cutting edge which is in front to loose soil above and the secondary cutting edge which is behind to do cutting and lifting the weeds. The overall machine field efficiency was 98.67%. The single wheel weeder being manufactured is the equipment, which is used for very special purpose when the weeding is required at narrow places or between rows.


How to Cite

Madhu G, Mallikarjuna G B, Ajay C K, & Sanjay H M. (2017). Design and Fabrication of Multi Agricultural Equipment. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 3(1 Special issue), 156–159. Retrieved from