Study of Stevens - Johnson syndrome


  • Shaik.Sartaj
  • Aravind Swamy



Stevens-Johnsons Syndrome, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, Erythemamultiforme, Haemodynamic Stability


Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is uncommon and consequential disease which affects the specific organs like the skin, mucous membrane, genitals, and eyes. Stevens-Johnson syndrome and Toxic epidermal necrolysis both are compatible and correlate with erythema multiforme. It is mainly caused due to some drugs like antibiotics,anticonvulsants, some NSAIDS, anti-epileptic and anti-gout drugs. Of antibiotics, penicillins and sulfa drugs are eminent offenders.. Based on case registries and observational studies, 1-3 cases per million were reported per year.Diagnosis of this syndrome is carried out depending on the symptoms, physical examination, histological examination of the affected area for any specific bacterial infection, and patient’s medical history. Patients must be treated with particular attention to respiratory and hemodynamic stability, electrolyte balance, burns and pain control. If there is any symptom of SJS the victim have to withdraw the drug and consult the doctor immediately for preventing further complications. Doctors should carefully prescribe the medication that includes antibiotics and high-risk drugs must
be given in small doses.


How to Cite

Shaik.Sartaj, & Aravind Swamy. (2018). Study of Stevens - Johnson syndrome. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 4(1), 118–128.