The Dispute Resolution Procedure for public information at the Aceh Information Commission (KIA) Through Mediation and Adjudication

(Study on Implementation of Information Commission Regulation Number 1 of 2013 Concerning on Dispute Resolution for Public Information Through Mediation and Adjudication)


  • Tasmiati Emsa University of Merdeka Malang
  • Syafei Ibrahim University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
  • Tommy Hariyanto University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia



Public Information Dispute Procedure, Adjudication


The Aceh Information Commission has the authority to settle Public Information Disputes through mediation and/or non-litigation adjudication, so in the context of carrying out the dispute resolution function, the Aceh Information Commission has a procedure that regulates the procedure for how a case is submitted, until the procedure for the Board of Commissioners gives a decision. In the Public Information Disclosure Act (KIP), it has been regulated as in Chapter IX starting from Article 40 to Article 46, and furthermore it has also been regulated in Information Commission Regulation Number 1 of 2013, concerning Procedures for Settling Public Information Disputes or abbreviated as PPSIP. This study aims to describe and analyze Public Information Dispute Resolution Procedures at the Aceh Information Commission through Mediation and Adjudication, as well as describe and analyze Encouraging Factors and Obstacles to Procedures for Settling Public Information Disputes through Mediation and Adjudication. In this research, the writer uses a qualitative approach, with the consideration that the writer intends to obtain an in-depth picture of a particular social phenomenon in the sense of describing the Procedure for Resolving Public Information Disputes at the Aceh Information Commission. To obtain data sources in this study through the selection of informants carried out deliberately (purposive sampling). Based on the type and source of data needed, data collection techniques used include (a) In-depth interviews, (b) Documentation Analysis, and (c) Direct Observation. In the process of data analysis techniques using an interactive model that includes three components of analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the handling of dispute hearings does not necessarily take place after 14 (fourteen) working days after the dispute is registered. In 2018 there were 14 (fourteen) case registers whose stages of the Adjudication Hearing were completed in 100 (one hundred) working days. This shows that in the implementation there are still things that are not in accordance with the PPSIP regulations. Lack of socialization related to procedures for resolving information disputes to the public has not been evenly and continuously in the Regencies / Cities in Aceh. At present the court facilities and infrastructure are inadequate. The need to increase the capacity of the KIA Commissioner, increase the understanding of the Public Agency apparatus, and the public regarding procedures for resolving public information disputes, and it is hoped that the Government of Aceh will have a standard and balanced budget platform for the Aceh Information Commission.


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How to Cite

Tasmiati Emsa, Syafei Ibrahim, & Tommy Hariyanto. (2020). The Dispute Resolution Procedure for public information at the Aceh Information Commission (KIA) Through Mediation and Adjudication : (Study on Implementation of Information Commission Regulation Number 1 of 2013 Concerning on Dispute Resolution for Public Information Through Mediation and Adjudication). International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), ISSN:2454-8006, DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 6(6), 20–32.


